Okay, I admit that I was totally looking forward to Moonlight based on the Joel Silver pedigree. I mean come on - this is the creative genius that brought us "The Matrix", "V for Vendetta" and "Lethal Weapon." What's not to love??? So for this evening's Top of Mind TV, let's take a look and see how it measured up to expectations:
Credits & Logline: Mick St. John (Alex O'Loughlin) is an immortal private investigator from Los Angeles who defies the traditional blood-sucking norms of his vampire tendencies by using his wit and powerful supernatural abilities to help the living. In a life-altering twist of fate, Mick was "bitten" 60 years ago by his new bride, the seductive Coraline (Shannon Sossamon). Forever 30 years of age, Mick's as handsome and charismatic as the day he was "turned," and fills his infinite days protecting the living.
Overall, what did you think of the premiere?
A whole hour of vampires and damsels in distress... and all I can do is yawn. YAAAWWWNNN.
What was the most annoying moment?
Pretty much every time the "telling" started. Can anyone explain to me why the writers felt the audience was so stupid they had to have everything explained to them? Geeezzzz - I call this "LCD" writing, or writing to the "Lowest Common Denominator". To put it in context, I think "Moonlight" is the John Grisham novel of primetime drama.
What was your favorite quote from this episode?
"We're all Vampires. Every one of us." Yeah, this drivel was about as good as it got. How about "You don't have to be a Vampire to get a taste for blood" (?) *sigh*
What was the sweetest moment?
To be honest, there were no moments in this show that touched me - so either I have no emotional core, or this whole thing was totally off the mark. You be the judge.
What was the creepiest moment?
At the top of the hour I thought this would be a pretty important question - I mean, it IS a Vampire story, right? Not one. Seriously - not a single creepy second in the whole thing. Not a twitch. This should be the part where I clairify that I AM actually a huge fan of Vampire stories - "Blade", "Vampires", "Angel", "Buffy" - I love 'em and the creepy, crawlies that go with them. Just not this one.
Was there any redeemable moments?
His eyes - the Vampire eyes were great!!
Unfortunately, that was it. :(
Overall Grade: D+
I am reminded that "Dungeons & Dragons" also holds a Silver credit.
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