Okay, I really couldn't decide if I was looking forward to this one or not - and frankly, I've probably had a little too much TV this week... but read on for the Top of Mind thoughts on this classic remix...
Overall - what did you think of the season premiere?
There's only one word for it - "Blah"
What was the most interesting moment?
Great car crash - really nice CG work pulling these shots together. And the first look at Jaimie's (Michelle Ryan) healing legs was kinda cool. But unfortunately, the VFX were downhill from here. They were WAAY too in love with the target overlays.
What was the most annoying moment?
Will Anthros (Chris Bowers) mind-numbing speech along the lines of “The world’s farther along than anyone would like to admit.” Blah, bla, bla, blah, blah - I could actually HEAR the Peanuts characters in my head. WhatEVER.
What totally captured or lost your interest?
What I reckon was supposed to be a intriguing moment at the end... random dude on a snow filled mountaintop... "I haven't seen the moon in a thousand and twenty four days." Ummm... why do I care? No reason? Okay, NEXT.
(NOTE - The husband just reminded me that he was actually the guy from the prison. Huh. Still don't care.)
What was the most unbelievable moment?
Jaime and Chris had absolutely NO chemistry - no way do these two characters really care about each other. Really? This was the best casting (Eric Dawson and Coreen Mayrs) could do? And the second most unbelievable moment - well, actually every damn time Jaimie tried to fight. No grace whatsoever - and trust me, I have a deep and abiding love of great fight scenes. If I wasn't old and fat and a total wuss, I'd be a stunt woman.
Maybe Michelle could get some lessons from Jennifer Garner?
At the end of this episode, who were your favorite and least favorite characters?
Unfortunately, other than the fact that Miguel Ferrer (Crossing Jordan, Robocop) is part of the cast - I'm afraid they just didn't succeed in making me care about any of the characters. Jaimie looks entirely too much like the girl from Kyle XY, and no one else stood out in a positive way.
Overall Grade: C--
Overall - what did you think of the season premiere?
There's only one word for it - "Blah"
What was the most interesting moment?
Great car crash - really nice CG work pulling these shots together. And the first look at Jaimie's (Michelle Ryan) healing legs was kinda cool. But unfortunately, the VFX were downhill from here. They were WAAY too in love with the target overlays.
What was the most annoying moment?
Will Anthros (Chris Bowers) mind-numbing speech along the lines of “The world’s farther along than anyone would like to admit.” Blah, bla, bla, blah, blah - I could actually HEAR the Peanuts characters in my head. WhatEVER.
What totally captured or lost your interest?
What I reckon was supposed to be a intriguing moment at the end... random dude on a snow filled mountaintop... "I haven't seen the moon in a thousand and twenty four days." Ummm... why do I care? No reason? Okay, NEXT.
(NOTE - The husband just reminded me that he was actually the guy from the prison. Huh. Still don't care.)
What was the most unbelievable moment?
Jaime and Chris had absolutely NO chemistry - no way do these two characters really care about each other. Really? This was the best casting (Eric Dawson and Coreen Mayrs) could do? And the second most unbelievable moment - well, actually every damn time Jaimie tried to fight. No grace whatsoever - and trust me, I have a deep and abiding love of great fight scenes. If I wasn't old and fat and a total wuss, I'd be a stunt woman.
Maybe Michelle could get some lessons from Jennifer Garner?
At the end of this episode, who were your favorite and least favorite characters?
Unfortunately, other than the fact that Miguel Ferrer (Crossing Jordan, Robocop) is part of the cast - I'm afraid they just didn't succeed in making me care about any of the characters. Jaimie looks entirely too much like the girl from Kyle XY, and no one else stood out in a positive way.
Overall Grade: C--
(when one minus just ISN'T enough)
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