Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Hulu's Big Harrah

I was thrilled in October to turn you on to the Hulu Beta - but nowhere near as happy as I am to point you to their full launch, released to the world last night. This site is beautiful, and continues to reveal to my family that I was a total geek growing up (Welcome Back, Kotter? Really??).

The press is loving it too, check out this sweet spread from Fortune Mag.

I don't know about you, but if I was one of those naysayers from back when 'newsite' was announced, here's what I'd be feelin today:

But that's okay - now that the full launch is live, you can enjoy it too. It'll be our little secret. :)

Sunday, February 03, 2008

TOM TV - Favs from the Big Game

We've been a little busy - so apologies all around for the lack of posts this last month, but if this is a place to talk about what audiences really LOVE... then Top Of Mind TV simply can't miss the Big Game! No, not to watch the Giants and Pats battle it out.. for the ADS. :)

(and yes, in case you're wondering - I didn't say "SB" cuz I'd prefer not to get sued)

The big winners this year are all the amazing CG and Motion Graphic artists that are alive and thriving in Advertising today! You'll see some great examples in our favorite Ads from this year, and all the ads can be viewed after the game at :

  •'s "Follow Your Heart" where a despondent worker's heart actually bursts out of her chest, marches into the boss' office, and holds up a sign saying "I Quit". Great work! CB also had another ad "Wish", but the animation and story clearly wasn't as strong.
  • SOBE Life Water pulled out all the stops with "Lizard Thriller" driving to Go see this one if you missed it, it's a classic. The environmental-based landing site is especially interesting, with use of WD's famous multi-plane visuals to create the depth and breadth of the environment while still keeping it fairly light. Not thrilled with the art, but thumbs-up for the overall effect!
  • Fox's promo for "The Sarah Conner Chronicles" where the Terminator robot beats up the Fox Football robot definitely got a cheer at our party. LOVE it. And the follow-up Robot Grudge Matches were almost as fun.
  • Tide to Go's "Silence the Stain" campaign was not only wierd and intriguing on it's own, but a trip to continues the experience with an interesting UGC campaign where users can upload their own 'Talking Stain' ads. Clever.
  • Coca-cola Classic definitely pulled out one of the cutest commercials of the night with the Underdog/Stewie battle for the coke. This was hilarious all the way through, but immensely satisfing at the end when Charlie Brown won the day (and the coke, of course)!
  • Another favorite was from Bridgestone. A car is driving down a curvy road late in the night when it has to swerve to miss a deer caught in it's headlights (Oh NO!). Then, around another corner it has to swerve again to miss Alice Cooper trapped in the middle of the road (GASP!). Around the final corner you see... Richard Simmons? Accelerate!
Overall we thought the ads this year were pretty great - some good trailer premieres as well with Wanted, Prince Caspian, WALL-E, and a few others. However, there were the extremely bad standouts like the "Exposure" Ad. GoDaddy is SO three years ago! And the ETrade baby commercials were exceptionally creepy, think I'm gonna have nightmares from those for awhile.


Saturday, January 05, 2008

Catastrophes and Cameos

So after a disastrous episode at the salon today that has nearly turned me into a Brunette (I may never leave the house again), I needed a little pick-me-up and decided to waste some time surfing some old favorites. It'll come as no surprise to well, anybody, that I'm a fan of Jim Hill Media - and Jim seemed the perfect person to cheer me up this rainy evening!

What I found was this delightful article - it's a look at many of the in-jokes and sightings across Pixar movies of other Pixar characters and properties. Most of these I have already noticed and watched many times, but some - like the "Incredibles" manga shown in "Finding Nemo" - were a surprise. I hope you enjoy it too.

Photo credit: Copyright 2007 Disney / Pixar. All Rights Reserved