Saturday, August 11, 2007

Hot workers that have it worse than you

Having just returned from the seventh circle of hell (that's Houston for you fortunate souls who have never lived there), I was intrigued by a recent article from, "Where the hot jobs are."

Driving around that foresaken city was everything I remembered it to be - hot, steamy, sticky and miserable. But I was just commuting to a cushy super-cooled research room to observe comfortably from behind the glass. What about the folks that have to work outside in the summer? How bad must it be for them - and how in the world does the EMT, roofer, landscaper or road paver with the risks?

Check out the article - and then take a moment to raise your cool tasty beverage in salute to the crazy souls that brave the heat.
(I think my yard guys deserve a bigger tip)

Photo Credit: ALERT Workers in Little Rock, AK - Alert Academy

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